Personal detalle

Hoareau, Nina Philippine

Tf. Directo: 934128032
Ext.: 445600
Despacho: B-39
Líneas de investigación:
- Circulación oceánica de gran escala
- Métodos avanzados de procesado de datos oceanográficos
- Modelización oceánica y asimilación de datos
I am research engineer at the Department of Oceanografía Física i Tecnologíca del Institut de Cienciès del Mar (ICM-CSIC), in Barcelona for over 10 years. My experience concerns the analysis of data of physical parameters of the ocean such as salinity, temperature from in-situ measurements, numerical simulations or remote sensing. My specialty concerns the study of ocean salinity as well as the development / adaptation of validation methods for the latter. I have a doctorate in marine sciences since 2019 with eight articles published in scientific journals and more than 15 participations in international conferences. An other part of my job concerns oceangraphic campaigns to take in situ measurements (CTD, Niskin bottle, oceanographic instruments, etc), whether in Mediterranean coastal waters (PUDEM project) or open waters in the Atlantic Ocean (RETRO-EZR, SAGA projects).
Currently I am participating in the project "Development of a citizen monitoring program for the Barcelona waters: The Scientific Patí a Vela" founded by the 2019 Barcelona Science Plan. I am also part of the educational project "Petits Oceanografs". And on the other hand, I collaborate with the Barcelona Expert Center of the ICM.
Publicaciones Seleccionades y/o Características:
N. Hoareau, A. Turiel, M. Portabella, J. Ballabrera-Poy, J. Vogelzang. Singularity Power Spectra: A Method to Assess Geophysical Consistency of Gridded Products—Application to Sea-Surface Salinity Remote Sensing Maps. 2018. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
N. Hoareau, M. Portabella, W. Lin, J. Ballabrera-Poy, A. Turiel. Error Characterization of Sea Surface Salinity Products Using Triple Collocation Analysis. 2018. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
E. Olmedo, J. Martínez, M. Umbert, N. Hoareau, M. Portabella, J. Ballabrera, A. Turiel. Improving time and space resolution of SMOS salinity maps using multifractal fusion. 2016. Remote Sensing of Environment.
N. Hoareau, M. Umbert, J. Martínez, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera. On the potential of data assimilation to generate SMOS-Level 4 maps of sea surface salinity. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment.
M. Umbert, N. Hoareau, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera. New blending algorithm to synergize ocean variables: The case of SMOS sea surface salinity maps. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment.