Dr. Jordi Font is Research Professor at the Department of Physical and Technological Oceanography, Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) in Barcelona. From April 2013 he serves as Head of Department. Member of several international societies and committees. Participant in 45 oceanographic campaigns with more than 400 days at sea. Author or co-author of 400 communications to scientific symposia and 300 published papers (90 in journals indexed in the Science Citation Reports), with h-index=30. Adviser of 9 PhD thesis. Principal Investigator in several Spanish and European research contracts. Convener of sessions in international symposia, member of evaluation panels for research institutions, and reviewer for 30 journals. More than 100 interviews and collaborations in social media. From 1999 he is Co-Lead Investigator for ocean salinity in the European Space Agency SMOS mission. Until May 2010 he was Chairman of the Ocean Physics and Climate Committee of the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea CIESM. He received the National Arts Award 2011 of the Catalan Government in the category of Thought and Scientific Culture.
Main research interests:
Ocean remote sensing: determination of sea surface salinity by microwave radiometry.
Physical oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea: water masses, circulation and climate change.
Ocean circulation: operational measurements of ocean currents, technological improvements.
Mesoscale dynamics: fronts, eddies, topographic interactions, physical-biological processes coupling.
Current research projects and networks:
SMOS. Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity
HYDRO-CHANGES. CIESM program to track hydrological changes in the Mediterranean Sea
MOON. Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network
HYMEX. HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiment
SPURS. Salinity Processes in the Upper ocean Regional Study
E-AIMS. Euro-Argo Improvements for the GMES Marine Service
Recently completed projects:
MERSEA. Marine Environment and Security for the European Area
EGYPT. Eddies and GYres Paths Tracking
ESEOO. Development of a Spanish Operational Oceanography System
MYOCEAN. Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES marine core services and capabilities
MALASPINA. Circunnavigation expedition Malaspina 2010: Global change and biodiversity exploration of the global ocean
Main recent publications (last 5 years):
L.R.Centurioni, V.Hormann, Y.Chao, G.Reverdin, J.Font, D.K.Lee (2015) Sea surface salinity observations with Lagrangian drifters in the tropical North Atlantic during SPURS: Circulation, fluxes, and comparisons with remotely sensed salinity from Aquarius. Oceanography, 28 (1): 96-105
P.Y.Le Traon, D.Antoine, A.Bentamy, H.Bonekamp, L.A.Breivik, B.Chapron, G.Corlett, G.Dibarboure, P.DiGiacomo, C.Donlon, Y.Faugère, J.Font, F.Girard-Ardhuin, F.Gohin, J.A.Johannessen, M.Kamachi, G.Lagerloef, J.Lambin, G.Larnicol, P.Le Borgne, E.Leuliette, E.Lindstrom, M.J.Martin, E.Maturi, L.Miller, L.Mingsen, R.Morrow, N.Reul, M.H.Rio, H.Roquet, R.Santoleri , J.Wilkin (2015) Use of satellite observations for operational oceanography: recent achievements and future prospects. J. Operat. Oceanogr., 8 (SP 1): s12-s27
G.Reverdin, S.Morisset, L.Marié, D.Bourras, G.Sutherland, B.Ward, J.Salvador, J.Font, Y.Cuypers, L.R.Centurioni, V.Hormann, N.Koldziejczyk, J.Boutin, F.D’Ovidio, F.Nencioli, N.Martin, D.Diverres, G.Alory, R.Lumpkin (2015) Surface salinity in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre during the STRASSE/SPURS summer 2012 cruise. Oceanography, 28 (1): 114-123
D.Halpern, J.Font, G.Lagerloef (2015) Aquarius and SMOS sea surface salinity measurements: A review of initial results. Proceedings of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites 43rd annual meeting, CGMS-43 IOC-WP-01, NOAA, Boulder, Colorado, USA
J.Busecke, A.L.Gordon, Z.J.Li, F.M.Bingham, J.Font (2014) Subtropical surface layer salinity budget and the role of mesoscale turbulence. J. Geophys. Res., 119 (7): 4124-4140
P.Drobinski, V.Ducrocq, P.Alpert, E.Anagnostou, K.Béranger, M.Borga, I.Braud, A.Chanzy, S.Davolio, G.Delrieu, C.Estournel, N.Filali Boubrahmi, J.Font, V.Grubisic, S.Gualdi, V.Homar, B.Ivancan-Picek, C.Kottmeier, V.Kotroni, K.Lagouvardos, P.Lionello, M.C.Llasat, W.Ludwig, C.Lutoff, A.Mariotti, E.Richard, R.Romero, R.Rotunno, D.Roussot, I.Ruin, S.Somot, I.Taupier-Letage, J.Tintoré, R.Uijlenhoet, H.Wernli (2014) HyMeX, a 10-year multidisciplinary program on the Mediterranean water cycle. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 95 (7): 1063-1082
P.Malanotte-Rizzoli, V.Artale, G.L.Borzelli-Eusebi, S.Brenner, A.Crise, M.Gacic, N.Kress, S.Marullo, M.Ribera d’Alcalà, S.Sofianos, T.Tanhua, A.Theocharis, M.Alvarez, Y.Ashkenazy, A.Bergamasco, V.Cardin, S.Carniel, G.Civitarese, F.D’Ortenzio, J.Font, E.Garcia-Ladona, J.Garcia-Lafuente, A.Gogou, M.Gregoire, D.Hainbucher, H.Kontoyannis, V.Kovacevic, E.Kraskapoulou, G.Kroskos, A.Incarbona, M.G.Mazzocchi, M.Orlic, E.Ozsoy, A.Pascual, P.M.Poulain, W.Roether, A.Rubino, K.Schroeder, J.Siokou-Frangou, E.Souvermezoglou, M.Sprovieri, J.Tintoré, G.Triantafyllou (2014) Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research. Ocean Sci., 10: 281-322
M.Martín-Neira, D.M.LeVine, Y.Kerr, N.Skou, M.Peichl, A.Camps, I.Corbella, M.Hallikainen, J.Font, J.Wu, S.Mecklenburg, M.Drusch (2014) Microwave interferometric radiometry in remote sensing: An invited historical review. Radio Sci., 49: 415-449
G.Reverdin, S.Morisset, J.Boutin, N.Martin, M.Sena-Martins, F.Gaillard, P.Blouch, J.Rolland, J.Font, J.Salvador, P.Fernández, D.Stammer (2014) Validation of salinity data from surface drifters. J. Atmosph. Ocean. Technol., 31 (4):967-983
V.Garçon, T.G.Bell, D.Wallace, S.R.Arnold, A.Baker, D.C.E.Bakker, H.W.Bange, N.R.Bates, L.Bopp, J.Boutin, P.W.Boyd, A.Bracher, J.P.Burrows, L.J.Carpenter, G.deLeeuw, K.Fennel, J.Font, T.Friedrich, C.S. Garbe, N.Gruber, L.Jaegle, A.Lana, J.D.Lee, P.S.Liss, L.A.Miller,.N.Olgun, A.Olsen, B.Pfeil, B.Quack, K.A.Read, N.Reul, C.Roedenbeck, S.S.Rohekar, A.Saiz-Lopez, E.S.Saltzman, O.Schneising, U.Schuster, R.Seferian, T.Steinhoff, P.Y.LeTraon, F.Ziska (2014) Perspectives and integration in SOLAS science. In: Ocean-atmosphere interactions of gases and particles (chapter 5), P.S.Liss, M.T.Johnson Eds., Springer Earth System Sciences: 247-306, ISBN: 978-3-642-25642-4 (Print) 978-3-642-25643-1 (Online)
X.Durrieu de Madron, L.Houpert, P.Puig, A.Sanchez-Vidal, P.Testor, A.Bosse, C.Estournel, S.Somot, F.Bourrin, M.N.Bouin, M.Beauverger, L.Beguery, A.Calafat, M.Canals, C.Cassou, L.Coppola, D.Dausse, F.D’Ortenzio, J.Font, S.Heussner, S.Kunesch, D.Lefevre, H.Le Goff, J.Martín, L.Mortier, A.Palanques, P.Raimbault (2013) Interaction of dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2012. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40: 1379–1385
J.Font, J.Boutin, N.Reul, P.Spurgeon, J.Ballabrera-Poy, A.Chuprin, C.Gabarró, J.Gourrion, S.Guimbard, C.Hénocq, S.Lavender, N.Martin, J.Martínez, M.McCulloch, I.Meirold-Mautner, C.Mugérin, F.Petitcolin, M.Portabella, R.Sabia, M.Talone, J.Tenerelli, A.Turiel, J.L.Vergely, P.Waldteufel, X.Yin, S.Zine, S.Delwart (2013) SMOS first data analysis for sea surface salinity determination. Int. J. Rem. Sens., 34 (9-10): 3654-3670
C.Gabarró, V.González-Gambau, I.Corbella, F.Torres, J.Martínez, M. Portabella, J.Font (2013) Impact of the local oscillator calibration rate on the SMOS measurements and retrieved salinities. IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 51 (9): 4633-4642
G.Reverdin, S.Morisset, D.Bourras, N.Martin, A.Lourenço, J.Boutin, C.Caudoux, J.Font, J.Salvador (2013) Surpact: A SMOS surface wave rider for air-sea interaction. Oceanography, 26(1): 48–57
K.Schroeder, C. Millot, L.Bengara, S.Ben Ismail, M.Bensi, M.Borghini, G.Budillon, V.Cardin, L.Coppola, C.Curtil, A.Drago, B.El Moumni, J.Font, J.L.Fuda, J.García-Lafuente, G.P.Gasparini, H.Kontoyiannis, D.Lefevre, P.Puig, P.Raimbault, G.Rougier, J.Salat, C.Sammari, J.C.Sánchez Garrido, A.Sanchez-Roman, S.Sparnocchia, C.Tamburini, I.Taupier-Letage, A.Theocharis, M.Vargas-Yáñez, A.Vetrano (2013) Long-term monitoring programme of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network. Ocean Sci., 9: 301-324
J.Boutin, N.Martin, X.Yin, J.Font, N.Reul, P.Spurgeon (2012) First assessment of SMOS data over open ocean: Part II—sea surface salinity. IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 50: 1662-1675
A.Camps, J.Font, I.Corbella, M.Vall-Llossera, M.Portabella, J.Ballabrera-Poy, V.González, M.Piles, A.Aguasca, R.Acevo, X.Bosch, N.Duffo, P.Fernández, C.Gabarró, J.Gourrion, S.Guimbard, A.Marín, J.Martínez, A.Monerris, B.Mourre, F.Pérez, N.Rodríguez, J.Salvador, R.Sabia, M.Talone, F.Torres, M.Pablos, A.Turiel, E.Valencia, J.Martínez-Fernández, N.Sánchez, C.Pérez-Gutiérrez, G.Baroncini-Turricchia, A.Rius, S.Ribó (2012) Review of the CALIMAS team contributions to European Space Agency’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission calibration and validation. Remote Sens., 4: 1272-1309
J.Font, J.Ballabrera-Poy, A.Camps, I.Corbella, N.Duffo, I.Duran, M.Emelianov, L.Enrique, P.Fernández, C.Gabarró, C. González, V.González, J.Gourrion, S.Guimbard, N.Hoareau, A.Julià, S.Kalaroni, A.Konstantinidou, A.López de Aretxabaleta, J.Martínez, J.Miranda, A.Monerris, S.Montero, B.Mourre, M.Pablos, F.Pérez, M.Piles, .Portabella, R.Sabia, J.Salvador, M.Talone, F.Torres, A.Turiel, M.Vall-llossera, M.Villarino (2012) A new space technology for ocean observation: the SMOS mission. Sci. Mar., 76 (S1): 249-259
S.Guimbard, J.Gourrion, M.Portabella, A.Turiel, C.Gabarró, J.Font (2012) SMOS semi-empirical ocean forward model adjustment. IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 50: 1676-1687
S.Mecklenburg, M.Drusch, Y.Kerr, J.Font, M.Martín-Neira, S.Delwart, G.Buenadicha, N.Reul, E.Daganzo-Eusebio, R.Oliva, R.Crapolicchio (2012) ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission: Mission performance and operations. IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 50: 1354-1366
J.L.Pelegrí, E.Alvarez, M.Espino, J.Font, G. Parrilla, A.Sánchez-Arcilla (2012) Crucial times for Spanish physical oceanography. Sci. Mar., 76 (S1): 11-28
F.Torres, I.Corbella, N.Duffo, W.Lin, J.Gourrion, J.Font, M.Martín-Neira (2012) Minimization of image distortion in SMOS brightness temperature maps over the Ocean. IEEE Geosci. Remote S., 9(1): 18-22
P.Puig, A.Palanques, J.Martín, M.Ribó, J.Font (2012) Eventos de resuspensión de sedimento en el ascenso continental del margen Mediterráneo noroccidental. GeoTemas, 13: 1840-1843
P.Quintana, V.Homar, M.C.Llasat, A.Jansà, J.Font, M.Aran (2012) Una mirada al programa HyMeX. Tethys, 9: 53–64
M.Talone, C.Gabarró, A.Camps, R.Sabia, J.Gourrion, M.Vall-llossera, J.Font (2011) Error covariance matrices characterization in the ocean salinity retrieval cost function within the SMOS mission. J. Atmosph. Ocean. Technol., 28(9): 1155-1166
R.Sabia, M.Talone, M.Portabella, D.Fernández-Prieto, J.Gourrion, C.Gabarró, J.Ballabrera-Poy, P.Spurgeon, A.Camps, J.Font (2011) SMOS salinity retrieval updated trade-off between increased temporal sampling and degraded sensitivity to cold waters. Proc. SMOS Science Workshop:105-108
Updated 1 October 2015 | ![]() |