About DOTF

The Department of Physical and Technological Oceanography (DOFT-ICM) is one of the four research departments at the Institute of Marine Sciences (Institut de Ciències del Mar, ICM, Barcelona) of the Spanish Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC).

DOFT scientific interests focus on observation and analysis of the ocean physical environment at a broad range of spatio-temporal scales, and on its role in the Earth system. Department members include mostly physicists, oceanographers and engineers. They combine an experimental and theoretical approach to oceanography including the development of new observational technologies (both in situ and remote) as well as data analysis.

In this web site we offer information on the members and research topics carried out at the department, projects under development, and publication of results. We also provide free access to several data sets.

The department is notably involved in education through teaching at graduate level and outreach through engagement with society in various formats, venues, and levels. In addition to our own PhD students we host other students for short training periods (3-6 months) and participate in two master and doctorate programs in Oceanography, one with Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona and the other with Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In 2015 we have started teaching postgraduate courses through the Barcelona Ocean initiative. As part of these and other programs in 2010-2014 the department members have supervised eleven PhD and several master thesis. We also usually host foreign researchers in temporary stays.

Till December 2015 the head of the department was Jordi Font, and currently it is chaired by Josep Lluís Pelegrí.