
Comfuturo project awarded to DOFT
22 Juny 2015

The proposal "Diagnostic of marine currents from satellite observations" submitted by Jordi Isern-Fontanet to the first call of Comfuturo projects has been one of the 14 selected out of 293. Comfuturo is a public-private partnership program created by the CSIC General Foundation aimed at capturing the the best young research talent and allow it to develop relevant projects within the Spanish science and technology system. This first call was targeting original and innovative projects with a high degree of aplicability, to provide answers to the present big scientific, technological and societal challenges

Aerial photographs of the Catalan coast deposited by ICM in ICGC
21 Maig 2015

Our department has delivered to the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC) six boxes with photographic documentation (negatives, paper prints, transparencies, printer sheets) of the Catalan coast obtained from aircraft during projects lead by Dr. Antoni Ballester in the late 1970s. The ICGC will a) Safeguard the documents and assume the costs of conservation and where appropriate, restoration, b) Make a description to facilitate their identification and location, c ) To publicaly acknowledge the fund comes from the donor institution, d) Open the documents to the public consultation. These are valuable documents that could not be properly maintained at ICM. An agreement will be made between the legal representatives of ICGCand CSIC to formalize the definitive conditions of the assignment.
