Membres detall

Ballabrera Poy, Joaquim

Tf. Directe: 934128147
Ext.: 445813
Despatx: P-18-b
Línies de recerca:
- Circulació oceànica a gran escala
- Mètodes avançats de procés de dades oceanogràfiques
- Modelització oceànica i assimilació de dades
Data assimilation (Kalman Filter, Adjoint Variational and Nudging). Numerical simulation of the Ocean General Circulation. Oceanography from space. Coupled models. Statistical Models. Data Analysis
Publicacions Seleccionades i/o Característiques:
J. Isern-Fontanet, J. Ballabrera-Poy, A. Turiel, E. García-Ladona. Remote sensing of ocean surface currents: a review of what is being observed and what is being assimilated. 2017. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.
A. García-Olivares, J. Ballabrera-Poy. Energy and mineral peaks, and a future steady state economy. 2015. Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
P.Y. Le Traon, E. Remy, J. Ballabrera-Poy. Assessesment of the impact of ARGO in Ocean models and satellite validation from E-AIMS Project. 2015. Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter.
N. Hoareau, M. Umbert, J. Martínez, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera. On the potential of data assimilation to generate SMOS-Level 4 maps of sea surface salinity. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment.