- Mètodes avançats de procés de dades oceanogràfiques
- Noves tecnologies per a observacions oceàniques, costaneres i de gel marí
Technological development
Large scale underwater cabled observatories / underwater sensor networks
Autonomous Platforms
Citizen-science based instruments
Ocean Optics
High spectral resolution (hyperspectral) sensors
Remote sensing, field measurements and radiative transfer modeling of ocean optical properties to estimate relationships between seawater constituents and ocean color
Development of bio-optical-based pattern recognition techniques for monitoring of Phytoplankton Functional Types, detecting Harmful Algal Blooms and studying the biogeochemistry of oceanic and coastal environments.
Research projects (as PI):
CITCLOPS (2012-2015). Citizens observatory for coast and ocean optical monitoring. EU-FP7 ENV-2012.
MESTRAL (2012-2014). Modelling and advanced observational technologies to link transport processes, optically-active constituents, and water light-field variability in a coastaL ecosystem. Funded from: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
PHYTOSCOPE (2012-2014): Phytoplankton biodiversity multiscale characterization using advanced optical technologies Partners: Marine Technology Unit and Alfred Wegener Institute. Funded from: Total Foundation.
ANERIS (2008-2010): Analysis & development of an intelligent oceanographic probe with autonomous sampling capabilities Partners: Marine Techn. Unit, Inst. of Artificial Intelligence Research, Inst. of Industrial Automation, Inst. of Marine Sciences. Funded from: Spanish Council for Scientific Research.