People detail

Umbert Ceresuela, Marta

Graduate Students
Direct Ph.: 932309629
Ext.: 445601-445600
Office: B-39
Research topics:
- Large scale ocean circulation
- Advanced oceanographic data processing methods
- Ocean modelling and data assimilation
Noves tècniques de fusió de dades per productes de nivell 4 utilitzant dades de satèl·lit. El cas dels mapes de la salinitat superficial del mar. Responsable: Antonio Turiel (Projecte SMOS). Becaria FPI des de Octubre del 2011.
Selected and/or Characteristic Publications:
N. Hoareau, M. Umbert, J. Martínez, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera. On the potential of data assimilation to generate SMOS-Level 4 maps of sea surface salinity. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment.
A. Turiel, J. Isern-Fontanet, M. Umbert. Sensibility to noise of new multifractal fusion methods for ocean variables. 2014. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.
M. Umbert, N. Hoareau, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera. New blending algorithm to synergize ocean variables: The case of SMOS sea surface salinity maps. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment.