People detail

Isern Fontanet, Jordi

Direct Ph.: 932309650
Ext.: 445837
Office: P-18
Research topics:
- Small and medium scale ocean processes
- Advanced oceanographic data processing methods
Jordi Isern Fontanet (Banyoles 1975, Catalonia) is a ComFuturo researcher. He graduated in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona. He developed his PhD at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) and get his PhD in Applied Physics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2003. JIF was enroled as a postdoctoral scientist in the Laboratoire de Physique des Océans (Ifremer, 2005-2006) funded by a Spanish grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and in the Laboratoire d Ocenographie Spatiale (Ifremer, 2006-2008) funded by a Marie Curie Grant (EIF, FP6). In 2008 he got a Ramón y Cajal contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and joined the Institut Català de Ciències del Clima in Barcelona, where he led the Ocean Dynamics and Climate group. In October 2014 he joined the Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC). He has published more than 20 papers in SCI journals with an h-index of 13. He has advised two PhD students. He is currently professor at the Remote Sensing and SIG master by the CREAF and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

His main interests are the dynamics of the ocean s upper layers, the characterization of ocean turbulence, the quantification of the associated horizontal and vertical fluxes and the understanding of their role in Earth s climate. To this end the approach he mainly follows consists on the systematic application of recent theoretical results to ocean and atmospheric observations such as remote sensing data. This approach is complemented with the analysis of numerical simulations. In addition to his interest on general processes, he is very interested in the understanding and modeling of the Mediterranean area.