People detail

Solé Ollé, Jordi

Office: P-18
Research topics:
- Climate change
- Ocean modelling and data assimilation
Energy modelling and resources limitation analysis: use of statistical tools and models to analyse the links between socio-economy, physical constraints and climate impacts.

Physical oceanography. Dynamics of the ocean surface
layer: mixing phenomena, instability processes.
Numerical Modelling. Lagrangian formalism, particle tracers.

Biological oceanography. Biological processes in the ocean and coastal
waters: Harmful algae blooms. Numerical modelling. Interaction of
physical-biological processes.
Selected and/or Characteristic Publications:
J. Solé, J. Ballabrera-Poy, D. Macías, I.A. Catalán. The role of ocean velocity in chlorophyll variability. A modelling study in the Alboran Sea. 2016. Scientia Marina.
A. García-Olivares, J. Solé. End of growth and the structural instability of capitalism-From capitalism to a Symbiotic Economy. 2015. Futures.
I.A. Catalán, D. Macías, J. Solé, A. Ospina-Álvarez, J. Ruiz. Stay off the motorway: Resolving the pre-recruitment life history dynamics of the European anchovy in the SW Mediterranean through a spatially-explicit individual-based model (SEIBM). 2013. Progress in Oceanography.
J. Solé, A. Turiel, A. García-Olivares, J. Ballabrera-Poy, E. García-Ladona. Energia i societat: la Taxa de Retorn Energètic. 2013. Revista de Física.