Membres detall

Bardají Benach, Raúl

Tf. Directe: 934128117
Ext.: 445766-445768
Despatx: P-82
Línies de recerca:
- Noves tecnologies per a observacions oceàniques, costaneres i de gel marí
Involved in national and international projects aimed to develop and innovative autonomous observation platforms.

He has participated in several projects/workshops/classes teaching children and young people about science concepts and discoveries on the field of ocean optics.
Publicacions Seleccionades i/o Característiques:
R. Bardají, E. Zafra, J. Piera. Estimating underwater light diffuse attenuation with low-cost devices: optimal sensor configuration analysis using radiative transfer models. 2013. Instrumentation Viewpoint.
J. Olivé, J. Piera, J. Sorribas, R. Bardají. Representing sensorml and O&M files in android. 2013. Instrumentation Viewpoint.